Week 14/15 - The Mother Propriocepta
I flew to Montana last week to visit my mom for a couple days, so didn’t get much studio work done. Plus, I have just been chugging away at the big ring shaped Propriocepta form this week, so I don’t have much to report for this blog anyway. Behind the scenes, I’ve also been putting a lot of hours into drafting my exhibition proposal for next year’s NCECA.
Sculpting this form has been tedious, as usual. The sand-filled sock supports worked wonderfully and were really easy to pull away and replace with clay after the form got to leather hard.
Today, I will put the finishing touches on her and allow her to start drying in time for my slow bisque in CC this Thursday — she will be fired in a cone 10 soda with a reduction downfire on Saturday, along with many of GH’s pots. Fingers crossed all goes to plan and she makes her debut in final crits!
Empty bowls also happened today! I’m so proud of our little team. We sold 116 pots and raised $1700 in a mere 3 hours, all of which will go towards funding the university food pantry!
On a deeper note,
In the time outside the studio, I’ve been reflecting a lot on change and the temporality of life, and how small and limited my reality is. I am thinking about how much unknown there is in any given moment, and grappling with my paralyzing fear of the scope of the universe and all that is. I fear eternity and the unknown above all, but I live with unknowing in all parts of my daily life and have an intimate relationship with it in my art practice. I have not existed and have lacked singular consciousness for an unknowably long amount of time and have only been in this body for an incomprehensibly short amount of time in comparison, but I fear nonexistence more than anything. This idea keeps returning to me this week for some reason, and it remains the undercurrent of my making and meditation on geological transformation and impermanence.
Oakley’s back again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jumper eating good